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Price Changes February 2022

We can no longer escape it, our prices will change as well. Fully in line with the market, because we still stand for cheap printing and binding. We remain the sharp priced online print shop where you can order quickly and easily. Even if you only need 1 copy!

Autumn 2021: Shortage of paper pulp and high energy prices

In the autumn of 2021, the national media picked up on reports about the shortage of paper pulp combined with high energy prices. BNR Newsradio reported the following in September 2021: “Stijging papierprijzen is zorgelijk

Apart from a few minor price adjustments in September, Print&Bind was able to stay far away from the percentages mentioned in the media. Christmas cards, for example, were to become 25% more expensive! Fortunately, continuous optimization of our ordering and production process enables us to keep our name high when it comes to the competitive prices.

Our price increases

In addition to paper and cardboard becoming more expensive, we have also noticed as a production company that energy bills have risen. This is why we are now implementing a concrete price increase in line with the market. This can be seen across our entire range of products.

Depending on the composition of your product, you will experience a price increase of 7.5 to 12.5%. The luxery types of paper in particular have become considerably more expensive.


Do you regularly order from Print&Bind and do you have questions about what the price changes mean for you specifically? If so, please contact our customer service team at info@printenbind.nl. Send us an e-mail from the same address you use to place your order or state your customer number in your email. You can of course also calculate a price directly using our calculator.